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At LaTribuna Christian Publishing our clients are friends and neighbors and Brothers and Sisters in Christ who want to publish their Christian books. 

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      When I first decided to go ahead and publish my books I did not have a clue on how to go about it. I asked friends and neighbors, I asked family members and watched videos on YouTube and slowly through the leadings of the Holy Spirit, I began a journey of learning how to publish my books.  I soon found out about Fiverr and about Kindle Direct Publishing. I learned how to edit on my own by using a very effective editing app. Through trial and error, I painstakingly learned how to publish my books for the glory of God.  I  firmly believe in treating others as I would want to be treated and so I am willing to share what I have learned with others so that the process of publishing can be less stressful and less time-consuming. The cost involved is very minimal, again treat others as I would want to be treated.  May Abba Father Bless You all from Chaplain Paul   John 14:27 

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